Nintendo “Exploring” Bringing Early Access to Wii U, 3DS

Nintendo is exploring options for an early access program for its game systems.

Early Access has become common on other systems, but Nintendo has so far been reluctant to adopt the idea.  Now, it seems they are looking into it at least.

“We don’t have anything to announce, but I can say that we’re certainly exploring options and capabilities,” Nintendo of America’s Damon Baker told Polygon. “So anything is possible. I guess the important part of it is we’re very conscious of it and definitely looking at it.”

Nintendo’s biggest concern, according to Baker, is that the Early-Access experience matches the full, final experience, i.e. in server loads, and that Nintendo can still continue to match customer expectations.

As Baker says, “you wouldn’t ever want to ask for money for something that doesn’t become fully-realized.”

We will keep you posted on whether Nintendo decides to indeed go ahead with this idea in the near future – let’s hope so!