Metroid Prime Dev Teases E3 Reveal

Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze developer Retro Studios has teased a new game announcement for this year’s E3.

A tease was posted on the studio’s official Twitter account, simply stating “Can you dig it?” Here is the Twitter posting.

So what could it mean?  The most common fan theory is that a new Metroid game is being teased to be announced at this year’s E3, but that is pure speculation so far.  The thing is, the “dig it” does not obviously allude to anything related to Metroid – so there is a possibility that it refers to something else entirely.

Also, it important to note that Retro Studios are the devs behind Donkey Kong Country Returns and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.  So, the message could be about those games as well.

Well, no matter what, it seems we will find out at Nintendo’s E3 press conference, which will be on June 16th.