Bethesda Introduces the New Doom at the BE3 Showcase Event (Update We Have the Full Demo Here)


Tonight at the Bethesda E3 Showcase event in Hollywood, CA the publisher announced fresh Doom details to go along with its slick live demo.

Here is what we learned:

  • Doom will feature fast combat with big guns and massive wild cast of demons;
  • The badass shotgun is back, Doom fans you know exactly what we are talking about;
  • There will be no shortage of blood and guts (it makes Dead Space look PG-13);
  • There will be weapon wheel where you can select a variety of weaponry including a chainsaw (this is nothing we havenโ€™t seen before);
  • There will be a multiplayer component with modes like domination, freeze tag and clan arena;
  • โ€œDoom Snapmapโ€ was announced which is essentially a map editor where you can play deathmatches and co-op horde mode-like games;
  • A new singleplayer trailer was revealed (we hope to post the trailer when it becomes available); and
  • It will be released in the Spring of 2016 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Update, check out full demo: