Bethesda Honors Fan Purchase of Fallout 4 With Bottle Caps

In a move that probably shouldn’t be surprising, Bethesda has honored one fan’s attempt to pre-order Fallout 4 completely with bottle caps.  “Seth,” who uses the handle GatorMacheteJr on Imgur, sent Bethesda 2,000 bottle caps in a cardboard box, hoping to pre-order Fallout 4 using the same currency as the Fallout series uses.

Today, Bethesda’s Matt Grandstaff announced that Seth will indeed be allowed to pre-order using the bottle caps – but – and that’s a big BUT – he will be the ONLY one allowed to do so because he was the first (sorry, all those bottles you just bought at the store are no longer eligible).

Not surprisingly, Seth is elated, and posted this to his Imgur account:

“Anyway, I just wanted to say “thank you” to everyone who helped in making this happen. People were simultaneously worried about my rate of drinking (I’m fine, thanks), and were also disappointed in my lack of drinking (I’m fine, thanks). Someone on imgur even offered to gift me a copy of the game if I didn’t get one.

So thanks again everyone!”