World of Tanks Coming to Xbox One

World of Tanks recently celebrated its one year anniversary. Prior to this anniversary Xbox One owners wondered if and when they would be getting a next-gen version.  Well, Wargaming has finally announced that day is coming soon

World of Tanks for Xbox One has been OFFICIALLY announced.  If you do a search of the web Wargming said that they wanted a well established base of Xbox One’s in the wild before they’d consider this.  Well we guess that this past holiday season, which put many new Xbox One’s in videogamers homes, was one of the reasons that we are seeing this announcement.

As an even bigger surprise, cross platform support is being offered, so those who have been playing on the Xbox 360 will be able to play against Xbox One tank commanders.  There are going to be some visual upgrades that take advantage of the Xbox One hardware, but they were no officially announcements of what those will be.