Might & Magic Heroes Online Update Now Available

Ubisoft has launched the full “Better, Stronger, Faster” update for Might & Magic Heroes Online. The update is available for free and allows all players to elevate their heroes to new heights thanks to two features: New Heroic Mode and Artifact Refinements.

The New Heroic Mode expands the game experience and allows for tougher battles and the chance to obtain the most powerful artifacts in the game. Instead of being locked to a single difficulty, players at level 30 and above can now increase the Heroic Tier of an encounter – the higher the tier, the higher the rewards will be. In order to unlock them, players will need to collect the new resource dragonsteel and trade it in among other resources at the Heroic Forge. Dragonsteel can be obtained in many different ways including Heroic quests, Forgotten Sites dungeons and more. In addition to the powerful artifacts, other rewards include the “Soulstalker Cub” pet, the “Grimwolf Dye” and avatar portraits.

The Artifact Refinements will enable players to increase the stats of their artifacts, such as weapons and armor. These refinements are available for the offensive, defensive or tactical stats as well as the most powerful form which increases all stats of the chosen artifact. The Artifact Refinements can be obtained using multiple methods, including when finishing a Heroic Mode battle.