Grow Home is Now Available for Download

Today, Ubisoft announced that Grow Home, a quirky, experiential climbing game developed by Reflections, a Ubisoft studio is now available for download via Stream on Windows® PC for $7.99.

In Grow Home, players are free to explore the strange, open world full of floating islands, majestic caves and waterfalls, all set in a beautiful and minimalist artistic style. Players take on the role of BUD (Botanical Utility Droid), an excitable, child-like robot sent on a mission to search the galaxy for a new species of plant that can oxygenate his home world.

By growing and directing the giant Star Plant into a towering organic sculpture, players reshape the planet and create a magnificent landscape that lets them climb to new heights. The game’s unique climbing controls and abilities challenge players to continually reach for higher ground – but one wrong move and it’s a long way down!

For a more in-depth look at Grow Home, please visit the UbiBlog for an interview with Pete Young, Producer: