Ninja Pizza Girl’s Kickstarter Campaign Has a Stretch Goal Worth Reaching

Disparity Games, creators of upcoming food-on-the-run game Ninja Pizza Girl, have today announced a new “Includification” stretch goal for their Kickstarter to celebrate reaching 50% funding in six days.

“Includification”, Disparity Games’ Jason Stark said today, “is a word we totally grabbed from, and is about making Ninja Pizza Girl as accessible to as many people as possible. This includes people who have lost useage of their limbs and those with cognitive disabilities.

Includification is a goal we’re incredibly passionate about, and we hope our supporters feel the same way!”

Ninja Pizza Girl already includes support for color-blind players and subtitles for the hearing impaired. Extra accessibility options will include, if the Kickstarter campaign reaches $45,000 in the next 23 days, the ability to slow the game down, remap controller configurations to support one-handed controllers and support specialised head mouse peripherals for those who can’t use their limbs to play games.

“It’s your game. You decide how you want to play it.” added Stark.

The stretch goals come as the team celebrates, with a great degree of anxiousness it must be added, their Kickstarter campaign reaching 50% of its $35,000 initial funding target in six days.