3 Best and 3 Worst Games from April 2017

The Worst

Vroom in the Night Sky

***Click here for COG’s full review***

While Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is certainly at the high end in terms of Switch games, Vroom in the Night Sky is at the very low end. Granted, there are some interesting mechanics at play but these mechanics are buried in a horrendous experience. Developer Poisoft has shown the ability to create fun portable experiences in the past, but this time around they simply missed the mark.


***Click here for COG’s full review***

I love horror games but sometimes they can really infuriate me. Clunky controls, unfair enemies and silly jump scares are usually three ingredients that annoy the crap out of me. Anoxemia is one of those horror games that ultimately ends up aggravating you. We hate to beat up on indie horror games but this one just wasn’t a pleasure to play and is more of a trial and error exercise in patience.


Roots of Insanity

***Click here for COG’s full review***

Roots of Insanity is yet another horror game that never really resonated with us. As our reviewer said: “Roots of Insanity is not a complete disaster; it offers some weak jump-shocks glued together by an adequate if cliched story. Gameplay is straightforward and its few or so hours of game time have their moments of excitement and even a few twists. But its fatal flaw is that, on a basic level, it just isn’t very scary. If you are looking for serious, pants-peeing terror, there are many much better offerings out there right now, and you might want to invest your time – and clean underwear budget – elsewhere.”

roots of insanity