Gears of War 4 Video Review – The Coalition Gets an A+

Gears of War 4 Video Review

Gears of War 4 is nearly here and alongside our already published written review we have our handy dandy, no reading needed video review. A must play for Gears fans new and old this marks a triumphant return for the series and a strong debut on the franchise from developer, The Coalition. They put their heart and soul into the game and if you don’t believe us, why don’t you check it out from the man himself, Rod Fergusson in our exclusive interview.

Our reviewer, Rory summed up his experience with the game saying, “Gears of War 4 doesn’t reinvent the formula but it definitely brings enough improvements without changing the core feel of Gears. With stellar production values, incredible action, series’ best multiplayer, engaging new characters, and an introductory story that should satisfy new players and returning fans alike, Gears of War 4 may just be your new favorite Gears game. It’s certainly mine.”

It’s brutal, it’s gory and it’s one of the best looking games to ever hit the Xbox One console. In fact, if you were looking for a showcase title to convince your friends to jump on the Xbox One ‘Cole’ Train (sorry, it was too easy) this would probably be the title to do it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Great graphics
  • Perfect Sound and tone
  • Likable characters
  • Awesome action
  • Fun multiplayer