Suit Up and Roll Out: The Top 5 Agents of Mayhem Team Combinations

Check Out Our Top 5 Agents of Mayhem Team Combinations Not Featured In The Game

Agents of Mayhem has finally arrived, and while the reception might be mixed there is still plenty to love with this off-the-wall, explosive open world. Agents of Mayhem is set in an alternate universe to Volitions’ Saints Row series, a fact that when announced many people clung to the idea that this is just another Saints game. It might have a similar spirit, but it definitely stands out as its own experience. One of the games defining features is allowing players to select a squad of three agents that can be swapped on the fly, encouraging combinations for certain tasks and objectives.

The story missions explain the four in-game squads (Franchise Force, Bombshells, Firing Squad, and Carnage A’Trois) but these, of course, are only a few of the options available to the player. After playing several hours of the game I found myself wondering what better combinations could there be? What other options has Volition given me in crafting my own squad? Here are the top 5 Agents of Mayhem Teams I discovered that don’t simply replace one agent in an existing squad:

Here are the top 5 Agents of Mayhem Teams I discovered that don’t simply replace one agent in an existing squad:

1. Brute Force (Hardtack, Daisy, and Red Card)

Agents of Mayhem

Carnage A’Trois is a team of brutal, heavy-hitting agents who are perfect for crowd control, and the concept behind Brute Force is very similar. All three agents have a high damage output at close range, but what makes them so similar besides being overly violent and potty mouthed is their skill at long range as well. Hardtack’s teleharpoon will close the gap on any sniper, Daisy’s minigun is fairly accurate with a fine aim, and Red Card’s unique combination shotgun/assault rifle gives him power at close and long range. If you are headed into a seriously heavy situation, Brute Force is a perfect team of high impact, smart ass tanks at both long and short range with a serious love of destruction and swearing.

2. The Specialists (Fortune, Oni, and Joule)

Agents of Mayhem

Fortune was a surprise favorite for me. I didn’t think much of her going into the game until I actually got to use her. She is fast, doesn’t need to reload, has some fantastic gadgets, plus she can fire energy grenades on a short cooldown. Joule struck me as a more difficult character to use but with the right loadout, her and her turret are perfect for extended combat. And Oni? In the right hands, he will never take a single hit of damage. Each of these agents requires specific handling: Fortune needs to keep moving and she excels at it, Joule is tactical with her turret, and Oni’s fear abilities and one shot kills make them a team less about running and gunning and more about strategy and skill. The Specialists are a high risk/ high reward team with their lower shields and health, but that is why they are specialists.

3. Femme Fatale (Scheherazade, Daisy, and Rama)

Agents of Mayhem

The women of Mayhem are just as powerful as the men, if not more so. So piecing together a team of effective women is not only easy, it can be vital. Scheherazade is the most unique agent by comparison, relying on her sword skills rather than a gun. She is fast and lethal with her cloaking ability, a skill set balanced by teaming her with Rama. Rama has the longest range in the game with her bow, and her own cloaking skills let her hide from the enemy and give her enough time to regenerate her shields. Her explosive and poisonous arrows are excellent for minor crowd control, but when the going gets tough, you need a girl that isn’t quite as squishy. Enter: Daisy. She may have been featured on another team already, but hell if she isn’t one of the best characters in the game. With incredible shields and high impact shots, even overheating her massive gun isn’t a disadvantage. These three offer the perfect balance of stealth, power, and all possible ranges.

Click over to PAGE 2 for the final 2 best team combos….