10 Best Boss Fights In Crash Bandicoot

N. Gin

The N. Gin boss fight in Crash Bandicoot: Warped is easily one of my favorite in the entire series. The character controls a giant mech that is shooting all kinds of weaponry at the player, and the whole fight feels straight out of Star Fox 64. The pure variety of the affair makes it one of the best fights in the entire series.

Crash Bandicoot


You can’t trust a dingo, and you certainly can’t trust a dingo/crocodile hybrid. This flamethrower carrying villain debuted in Crash Bandicoot: Warped, and proved to be a memorable foe. Crash has to dodge his gunfire while also making his way through Dingodile’s maze-like protective barrier. It’s a really fun battle, and one of the more challenging ones.

Crash Bandicoot

N. Tropy

Doctor Nefarious Tropy has my favorite name of any Crash bad guy, and he’s one of Crash Bandicoot: Warped’s best fights. It’s a real test of platforming skill, as the player must avoid a ton of projectiles while attempting to make their way over to the doctor as he recharges after attacks.

Crash Bandicoot