This Is a Nice Life Is Strange 2 Announcement, Dontnod

Like Games Before, Life Is Strange 2 Will Arrive in Episodes

Life is Strange 2 is coming this Fall, developer Dontnod has announced. Presumably, it will place players back in the shoes of Max Caulfield to witness the aftermath of the first game.

Over on Twitter, Dontnod revealed that episode 1 of 5 for Life is Strange 2 will launch on September 27th, 2017. The announcement was accompanied by a brief teaser showcasing the title. We know next to nothing beyond the release date at this point, but according to the tweet, more information will be made available this August. The only other confirmation, aside from the release date, is the return to a five-episode season.

Life is Strange studies the exploits of Maxine Caulfield after she pulls on the underworld thread of her old home, Arcadia Bay. The game thrives on player choice and agency, alongside the dynamic relationship between Caulfield and Chloe Price. Considering how the first game relied on player choice, it will be interesting to see how devs factor player decisions into the sequel. That said, they may move in a completely different direction and elect a storyline that doesn’t include either protagonist from the previous game. Time will tell.

During the wait for September, players can partake in a spin-off title, Captain Spirit, Dontnod’s game set in the Life is Strange universe. It will be downloadable for free on June 25th. While your decisions in Captain Spirit can impact Life is Strange 2, it is still a self-contained story. Check back for updates this August.