Star Wars Battlefront II Drops Below a 1.0 User Score on Metacritic – People Are Mad

Really Really Mad Gamers

Ever since gamers discovered microtransactions in Star Wars: Battlefront II, the controversy has been oscillating more than Starkiller Base. There was a nice cooldown period when EA/DICE announced a reworked in-game economy based on beta feedback. But, since EA Access began, the situation has taken a nose dive. The game now has one of the lowest user scores on Metacritic.

Star Wars Battlefront 2

At the time of this writing, the score was 0.9. Meanwhile, the critic rating is at 75. The user score may not be the lowest recorded score on the aggregate website, but the disparity between user and critic scores might be the biggest.

All of this, seemingly, began when one Reddit user calculated the required time to unlock Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Battlefront II. What followed was a backlash unlike any other. There were death threats (which might not have actually happened), then EA posted the most downvoted Reddit response in history. Then people accused the publisher of taking away the game’s refund button on Origin. Afterwards, DICE and company answered fans by drastically reducing the price of all unlockables in the game. Luke and Darth went from 60,000 required credits to 20,000, with every hero price cut by 75%.

Apparently, the Reddit AMA between DICE developers and the community, held yesterday, changed nothing. All the PR and the game tweaks changed nothing. Which leads Star Wars: Battlefront II‘s current user score on Metacritic. And the game releases tomorrow. Suffice it to say, the future looks bleak. The outlook may change, however, once people get their hands on it. We’ll see.

Do you think Star Wars Battlefront II deserves its current user score? Comment down below.

Happy gaming… hopefully.