Swery’s The Good Life Announces Cat and Dog Versions

Bark or Meow Your Way Into Solving The Good Life’s Grisly Murder Mystery

Deadly Premonition creator Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro’s studio White Owls announced that their upcoming title, The Good Life, will come in two flavors: cat or dog. The title, which Swery labels “life debt repayment sim”, focuses on New Yorker, Naomi, who finds herself in an idyllic village that seems perfectly quaint until her discovery of a corpse with a sword plunged in. On top of that, the local residents and Naomi turn into cats or dogs, depending on your version, at night.

The Good Life

In their Fig update post, Swery outlines the differences for both versions. If you’re going with the cat version which was announced first, then Naomi can climb up to high spots and get into cramped areas. Meanwhile, Naomi as a dog can dig up holes and also sniff out scent trails. He also adds that some story beats will change too. Furthermore, you can leave cricket corpses on friend’s doorstep as cats or piss on their doors as dogs in the online multiplayer mode that lets you turn into your respective animal to visit a friend or stranger’s town. Both versions will be compatible with each other in the online multiplayer mode.

With two weeks to go, The Good Life is at 18% of its funding, and we’re rooting that Swery’s next game will reach its goal as it looks refreshing and bizarre.

Source: Fig