Check Out The Newest Fortnite Cinematic Trailer

Almost Like a Light and Breezy Left for Dead

Fortnite is finally nearing its next phase, a paid early access release, after over two years in Alpha. The road to full release has been a long one, but the final product is shaping up to be worth the wait. In celebration, Epic Games has just released a short Fortnite cinematic trailer.

If you’re unfamiliar with the game and its premise, this is a good way to get you up to speed. Fortnite has a Left for Dead vibe going on, but with a little more fun and whimsy in the mix. How long has it been since you played a game with goofy cartoonish zombies? What a breath of fresh, yet fetid, air. You and your team are able to shore up defenses and create new fortifications in order to survive the incoming hordes. There’s also a weapon-crafting system, just to make sure your zombie fights have that artisan flair.

While the upcoming early access phase is a paid one, the final Fortnite release will be free to play. On top of that, if you pre-order the game, you’ll get even earlier access than normal. Four days may not seem like much, but that’s a lot of extra time available for perfecting strategies and learning mechanics. The short, titled “A Hard Day’s Night,” was first shown at RTX last week. If nothing else, it does an excellent job of setting the tone for the game.

SOURCE: Press Release