Cosplayer Stopped by Birmingham Airport Cops for Looking Crazy Dangerous

Birmingham Airport Rules Forbid Assault Rifles and Tactical Gear, Apparently

The police at Birmingham Airport were put on high alert when they spotted what appeared to be a terrorist wandering around in full tactical gear. They had actually spotted a cosplayer on his way to Insomnia60 at the NEC.

Cosplayer Stopped at Birmingham Airport

The suspect was seen “wearing black and was carrying a rifle-style gun, complete with a telescopic sight, ammunition magazines and a helmet.” Yes, there are loads of games out there that dress characters in this exact setup. Militias and terrorist cells are also pretty fond of this loadout, so the mix-up is an understandable one.

The suspect was, of course, terrified by all this attention. Rather than sparking some sort of blaze-of-glory shootout, four officers pulled the guy aside and gave him some stern advice about his attire. They looked “quite annoyed” according to one witness. So take heart! Between this and the last cosplayer/police incident, it’s not fatally stupid to walk around in costume. These events are taking place in free, democratic nations, so you are allowed to dress as you like. But these are gun-sensitive times we’re living in. UK airports in particular have upped their security game in response to a “severe” terrorist threat level. Sooner or later, one of these trained officers is going to make an executive decision about a perceived threat that just happens to be a costume. That armor probably isn’t bulletproof. Leave the outfit in your suitcase.