Horizon: Zero Dawn Player Stats Reveal Tons of Dead Watchers Already

Over 152 Million Watchers, In Fact

Horizon: Zero Dawn‘s Game Director revealed some interesting player statistics on Twitter over the last week. So far, players have killed 152 million Watchers. It’s an enormous amount of enemies, and the statistic is already a week old.

Horizon: Zero Dawn Watchers

Announced just this morning, players have also murdered a total of 490 million Bandits. At this rate, everyone playing Horizon: Zero Dawn will have murdered a whole planet’s worth of enemies by the time the first expansion comes out. On the lower end of the murder charts are the Stormbirds. A paltry 1.7 million have been snuffed out since the game’s release. C’mon guys. step up your game, here. We can do better.

Of course, it helps that the Bandits are a tiny bit easier to take out than the Stormbirds, who are basically bullet sponges with wings and a lightning gun. All of this wouldn’t be possible without the most important statistic of all, the 2.6 million copies of Horizon sold so far. These stats will only get higher as time goes by.

SOURCE: GamesRadar