Players Already Hitting Level Cap In WoW: Legion

Twitch Streamer Smashes The WoW: Legion Level Cap In Under Six Hours

Well, that was fast. Twitch streamer Fragnance has appeared to have leveled like a madman to say the least, managing to hit the new level cap in WoW: Legion already. Legion went live this morning for all you hungry, hungry World of Warcraft fans, allowing them to tear right into WoW: Legion’s content, but it appears they’ve all already been out-nerded by Twitch streamer Fragnance. A mere five and a half hours after WoW: Legion went live, he set to work to help smash the level cap as soon as possible. WoW: Legion raised the level limit from 100 to 110, and was able to tear through the content thanks to a few different factors. It may be only twelve levels, but this is quite the feat, to say the least.

World of Warcraft Legion HERO

Plenty of e-celebrities got their hands on the Beta build of the game, which was pretty unrestricted in terms of content, allowing them to really log some quality time (and some quality views) in the process. WoW: Legion has been a popular showing on Twitch as well, with many people tuning in to quench their thirst for the latest World of Warcraft expansion. Fragnance and his buddy Gingi set out using a carefully planned route to maximize their experience gains that they had devised way back during the Beta. What makes the feat even more impressive is that Fragnance had done this on a new class, Demon Hunter, which starts two levels further back from the level cap of 100.

Fragnance may be the first to do so, but rest assured that many, many players will follow suit and proceed to devour WoW: Legions content, but there is still plenty for fans to do even when they hit the cap. Players can partake in the “endgame” content, such as Mythic difficulty quests and raids, along with other new content. The first major instance is also planned for the next two months, with players being able to participate in The Emerald Nightmare, a particularly nasty event, from the sounds of things.